Great websites have great content. But great content is tough to create. And it takes time which, like most accountants, I’ll bet you don’t have much of. So we’ve decided to give away some BizInk content. It’s free to use on your website and can be branded with your firm’s logo.

The content is a cash flow guide and planning tool – both really popular with businesses. Normally you would have to be a BizInk client to use this content but you are welcome to download and keep it for free.

As you know, most businesses have cash flow problems from time to time. The cash flow kit will help with basic of cash flow management and give them a tool for planning future cashflow.

Offering this on your website has lots of benefits:

  • It attracts potential clients either through search engines or through other websites linking to you
  • You can generate leads by asking for an email address in return for giving away the content
  • It enhances your position as the trusted advisor to businesses. Your website is a platform to demonstrate your expertise to a wide audience, of clients and potential clients
  • It adds value. By helping your clients through your website, you can offer more than compliance work without a huge amount of effort
  • It starts a conversation. By engaging a business (client or potential client) with cash flow problems through your website, they are likely to contact you about working with them
  • It creates efficiencies for your firm. By answering some questions online, you don’t waste time dealing with them by phone or email
  • It’s a great thing to blog about or mention on social media like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

Get the cash flow kit